Age is just a number

How old are you?
How old do you feel? Do you feel your age?
Your answers to these questions may be different from each other.
Why? Because your age does not define you or your health. Your biology does.
Your DNA has cheat codes that indicates your actual, biological age.
Let us help you uncover them.

What MethylAge can offer

To live your life to the fullest, there are lifestyle choices that you may need to change.
Want to eat healthier or start a diet? We can help you figure out the right track that will work for you.
Trying to quit bad habits? There is no better motivation than seeing the positive impacts of your hard work.

Our goal at MethylAge?
To uncover your cheat codes and unlock your full potential so that you can concentrate on the people and things that matter most to you.

How does it work?

Send us a small sample of your saliva.
We'll analyze your DNA and let you know what areas of your life could use some attention.

If you want to start or stop something, we can monitor your changes over time and let you know what is (or isn't) working for you.
We want to help you reach whatever goals you may have and make sure you spend the most time possible with those you love.